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    The 4 dimensional love of God

    What did the apostle Paul mean when he said that he prayed we would grasp the “height” of God’s love? Today on “Discover the Word,” we dig further into Paul’s profound description of the 4 dimensional—“The 4-D love of God.” Are you afraid of heights? Well, you won’t be in this conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    Understanding how much God loves you

    How much does God love you? Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin our study on “The 4D Love of God.” Interestingly, when the apostle Paul described “the height, the depth, the width and the length” of God’s love for us, he himself was under house arrest. How can understanding Paul’s circumstances change our own perspective about how much we’re loved by God? Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    Knowing God as our Father

    It wasn’t until they were in the wilderness that God revealed Himself to the Israelites as a “Father.” Find out why that’s significant as we continue our “Discover the Word” conversations called “Resurrection Year” with our friend, author Sheridan Voysey. Find out what we know God as our Father means to us in the midst of our own wilderness experiences when you join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    Why Marriage isn’t the only way to experience True Love

    When I was in my teenage years, one of the signs of our coming of age was being able to buy liquor, and drink in bars or pubs. But as time went by and the guys completed their time in National Service and the girls entered their final year of university, drinking lost its novelty.

    When our identity gets stripped away

    Have you ever been asked to give up something you value for the good of someone else? Can you trust God in the midst of that loss that He will still provide for you? Today on “Discover the Word,” we continue our conversation with friend and author Sheridan Voysey. How do we deal with life when what has formed our identity gets stripped away? Join us for the challenging discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    When your dreams don’t come true

    If only dreams came with warning labels saying, “Results may vary!” Then it might be easier to handle the disappointment when they don’t come true. Today on “Discover the Word,” we talk with our friend, author Sheridan Voysey, about what to do when the dreams for your life don’t turn out to have a Disney film ending. Will you still trust that God has your best interests at heart? Don’t miss the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    3 Lessons I’ve Learned From Writing a Letter to Myself

    On the last day of 2014, while my church friends and I were gorging on a humongous meal, my dear husband gave us the idea of “writing a letter to your future self”. It intrigued me so much that I decided to give it a go.

    Do You Know Who You Really Are?

    Are you an ENTP*? What are your top strengths? What does your sleeping position say about you? Did you know that your favorite color says something about who you are?

    How Do I Live Without Him?

    Have you heard the story of the little eagle which was raised as a chicken? Every day, he ate and played with the other chickens, so much so that he believed that he was one of them. One day, he saw an eagle flying high above, and gazed at the magnificent bird in awe.

    5 Signs that We are Preoccupied with Ourselves

    Let’s just be honest here: We’ve all got some narcissistic tendencies. No one’s exempt. That being said, I don’t mean to offend anyone with the points below; hopefully, they serve as useful indicators to help us identify these tendencies and nip them in the bud.

    The Day My Instagram Account Was Stolen

    A couple of days ago, I woke up to a dozen or so messages on my phone telling me, in essence, that my Instagram account had been hacked. Apparently, after I went to bed the night before, my account had been taken over by an unknown person who proceeded to upload photos in my name.

    Ocean-Polished Glass

    It starts as broken glass. Ruined. Thrown away. But then something amazing happens. Over time, the useless shards are rolled and tumbled until something beautiful is created. It’s just like how God takes our broken pieces and crafts beauty.

    When Personality Tests are Damaging

    Introverts are quiet, shy, and don’t like meeting people. Extraverts (or “extrovert” as this psychology term is often spelled) are loud, seek attention, and love meeting people. You’ve probably heard such descriptions of personality types.

    Editor’s Picks: Top 3 Articles | Identity

    Welcome to this brand-new section on Editor’s Picks. Throughout the course of the year, we’ve received some extremely helpful and well-written pieces that we think will be a pity to not share with you again—especially if you missed them the first time.

    marvel amid the mess

    It’s the kind of photo that compels even tough guys to use words like adorable and precious. And many women? They’ll say “Awwwww” in one long, heartrending syllable while clutching at their hearts and contorting their faces into maudlin expressions.

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